Kamis, 30 September 2010


bzzz =.="

Is it my mistake? I said NOT. Yeah do you know, I'm really SHY! When I saw the announcement, honesty, I doubt. Really doubt. Why? Because I know and realize that Evelyn's project is better than me, and I think the best. But, the announcement said that I'm the winner. When I saw that, I'll try to say to myself, "Hey, dinda, you're the winner". It's because I can't believe that I'm in 1st place. When I went back to WM again, I wanted to see the announcement again. And did you know what I see? The announcement has been CHANGED. That's true, I'm not the winner, but I'm the 2nd winner.

Why I shy? I shy not because I'm not the 1st winner, BUT i shy because of my CV!! I just made my CV earlier after I saw the announcement. And in the CV, we must input our achievement and award, and for achievement, we must write the LASTEST achievement. Yeah, maybe It's my mistake that I wrote in my CV that I'm the winner of that competition. I like a FREAKIN girl, you know! I shy and hesitate. I'm afraid that you all (ormawa) think that I'm an arrogant girl. Sigh!


The information is for a lot of people. Why they do not realize when they typed, print, and posted the announcement??

Just one, weird.

Yeah, I'm very happy that I got the 2nd, 1st, or 3rd place. A lot of thanks. Really thanks. But don’t like this way. Honesty, I felt bad (alias sungkan) with my friends who congratulated me, really sory, is not me.

I hope that they do not do like that again!

Yah, I just can smile :) and always thank to God for all that he gave to me. I will do my best! :D

Rabu, 29 September 2010



"I’ll never stop to move, move, and move on"

Yeah !! Thanks God for today, thank you for giving the good news today :D

I’m not expect that I am the 2nd Winner.

I think my project is standart and flat, but I don’t know that they like my project! Thank you :)

My project :)

Selasa, 28 September 2010

miss you all..

there's no word besides "I miss you guys"

I miss my Penang Choir team, I miss the people, I miss the situation, I miss the togetherness, I miss our struggle !! :'D

take me back to those days and create harmony again...

Senin, 27 September 2010

S i p i r i l i e ! :)

yeah :)

Houray!There can be miracles when you believe”,

yeah that’s right. I’m (really?) happy today. I passed the audition! :D . Thanks Jesus, thanks all ... Wekekekek...

Yah langsung sajo.

*blakangan ini ngeblog pake indonesia trus, gapapa lah ribet pake inggris, ckck*

Hari ini pengumuman audisi dance nya WM. Dari pagi aku cari-cari pengumumannya ga kluar-kluar. Akirnya kluar juga tadi sore. HOH! Aku wes hopeless, ya wes lah ga ketrima gapapa. Pemikiranku si itu. Nah tadi pas liat pengumuman, ‘mana ya nomerku?’. Aku dapet nomer 60 gara-gara pas daftar telat masuk. Pas liat di pengumuman, di tabel gelombang 1, nggak ada nomerku. Oh no! Dalem hati, ‘hahaha, ga ada’. Trus sampingnya tabel gelombang 2. Tak liat ada nomerku. Trus aku bilang sama andrea tadi bgini, “Nggak masuk ndre, haha, aku masuk gelombang 2”. Trus tiba-tiba keinget. ‘Lo kan yang kepilih inti itu kan yang cuma 25 orang’. Dan yang 25 orang itu ada di tabel 2, hmm’. Trus aku liat lagi tabel 2 sambil ngitung brapa yang masuk. Nah loh, ternyata bener gelombang 2 yang inti. Berarti??

Yap, aku salah liat tabel. Dipikir-pikir lagi... ‘Loh, berarti aku masuk laan?’. Lo iya kan, mestie aku masuk. EH iya masuk! Abis itu aku bilang ke andrea “Eh ini gelombang ku deh, aku masuk pek”, bilang ke andrea lagi sambil bisik-bisik, “serius kon??”. Hening sejenak. Aku bilang lagi untuk kedua kalinya ke Andrea yang lebih ekstrim, “SERIUS kon??!!”.

Huaaa.. Saya keterima rupanya! Dasar lemot aye, wekekek.. XD . Ga nyuaanggka pol. La gimana ga nyangka, la ga ada persiapan sama sekali, freestyle yo kacau, sampe isin gara-gara monoton gerak e itu tok. Ya aku pikir nggak masuk. Dan ternyata aku juga bukan yang termasuk dapet wildcard (wildcard: 5 orang khusus yang dikasi kesempatan, tapi harus usaha keras n ngejar yang laen). Waktu abisnya audisi aku dalem hati bilang, gak masuk 20 nggak apa, tapi kalo bisa masuk 5 wildcard itu, semoga. Eh ternyata ya juga nggak ^^.

Waa.. trimakasih buat ko Nico yang sudah memilih saya yang gatau atas dasar apa. Thx :D

I will show the best performance!


60 means GO ! :)

Sabtu, 25 September 2010

Nggak masalah buatku :p

Hari ini audisi buat MD nya Wm. Hmm.. Tadi ga seberapa bagus perform nya :( . Tadi audisi nya ber 5, tapi nari sendiri-sendiri. Bener-bener ga ada persiapan. Sehari sebelum aja belum mikirin freestyle. Lah ya gimana kuliah sampe sore-sore, pulang kerja tugas, malem udah ngantuk. Seminggu gitu terus, ngarang gerakan sih, tapi Cuma dikit, soalnya katanya cuma 1x8. Eh.. kok tadi tiba-tiba disuru freestyle sampe ko Nico bilang stop. Wele.. =.=a

Udah datengnya keburu-buru gara-gara ikut acara Making CV nya fakultas, belum latian, jadi tambah ga siap. Huahaha. Abis itu, pas maju ga urut nomer, padahal katanya urut. Dan saya dipaksa masuk gara2 yang di dalem ga genep 5. Haiihh..

Pas tampil, ga tau kenapa tiba-tiba blank mendadak. Koreo yang dikasi, ada 1 gerakan yang aku lupa. Untung langsung ngikutin. Pas freestyle ya gitu, nguawur gerakane, sampe isin aku. Wkwk. Gerakan ku monoton gitu-gitu terus. Pas udah inget gerakan freestyle ku, ko Nico bilang “stop”. Ya elah.. wkwk.

3 kata : “Ya wes lah”

Ya emang ga ada persiapan, ya mau gimana lagi, lain kalo udah persiapan 1 minggu tapi ga maximal itu seng tambah swt. Jadi ya terjadilah apa yang terjadi. Cuma dipilih 25. Kalo keterima yo kejaiban dari seluruh keajaiban, kalo ga keterima ya wes. Kan masi tetep ikut. Jadi begini teman-teman, kalo lolos audisi, ada 2 kelas, satu kelas buat acara lomba-lomba, kelas yang satu buat ngisi-ngisi acara. Ya kalo dipikir-pikir kalo masuk kelas yang lomba-lomba (kelas utama) repot juga. Kan kuliah ku FTP dengan tugas nya yang super freak dan

gila itu. Jadi ya terserah apa kata nanti. :p

thx :)

Today my blog’s visitors even 100 people (in 25 days) ! Thanks for you all :P

Selasa, 21 September 2010

help me books..

Gila dah. Kuliah ini memang memberatkan. Berat di ongkos (fotokopi), berat di otak, dan juga berat di pundak! Pundak ku capek menanggung beban seberat itu *lebai*. Hadeh.. Setiap minggu aku harus ngriwuki anak padus sinlui buat minjemin buku di perpus sinlui. Pinjem ekonomi lah, kimia lah.. Ya owo. Aku sungkan minta tolong terus, tapi ya mau gimana lagi. Harus menanggung malu yang selalu ke sinlui kalo ga acara padus ya pinjem buku ini. Haha. Dan hari ini aku pinjem 3 buku yang super tebel, yang membuat tas ku berat dan ga cukup (padahal tas ku besar). Bawaan mesti banyak kalo udah urusan sama laporan kimia. Ampun deh. Berhubung juga Dosen kalo ngajar ga jelas amit-amit, jadi bergantung sama buku. Tapi kadang buku juga mbingungin, jadi intinya : NULL. Wakaka.. Ini wes malem nyempetin nge blog biar otak isa refresh dikit setelah ngerjain laporan kimia *yang menghabiskan setengah bolpen baruku* dan embel-embel nya, padahal besok praktikum, hahahaha. Ga apa lah, lagian juga belum ngantuk.


Thanks to Harjo seng setia minjemno aku buku, wkwk, Paulus juga, Memon juga, dll yang pernah tak riwuki pinjem buku. Thx a loT! Tapi nggak cuma sampe sini aja lo, huehe. Kalian pasti bakal selalu ku riwuki (bahasanya rek), huaha, maaf ya teman-teman, tapi kalo ga gitu aku ga bisa dapet sumber L. Untung ada kalian loh, aku terimalasih banget! :D Kenapa kok aku mesti pinjem di sinlui? Kok nggak di perpus WM aja? Yah, sekedar informasi, disana literaturnya kebanyakan bahasa inggris. Hm, nggak ada waktu buat berpikir terjemahannya apa, jadi daripada buang waktu, kenapa nggak cari yang bahasa Indonesia aja, ya kan? Nggak lengkap lagi perpusnya. Cape deh.

Belakangan ini nggak tau aku ini kaya orang kutu buku super rajin atau orang gila sok-sok an belajar. Nek bawa tas besar banget dan nenteng-nenteng buku tebel. Semoga kliatan kaya anak rajin (padahal nggak). Yah harus semangat! Pasti bisa! Kejar nilai setinggi langit! à sok-sok an.

like that? maybe :p

that's right!

“Pada akhirnya, orang yang jatuh cinta diam-diam hanya bisa mendoakan. Mereka cuma bisa mendoakan, setelah capek berharap, pengharapan yang ada dari dulu, yang tumbuh dari mulai kecil sekali, hingga makin lama makin besar, lalu semakin lama semakin jauh. Orang yang jatuh cinta diam-diam pada akhirnya menerima. Orang yang jatuh cinta diam-diam paham bahwa kenyataan terkadang berbeda dengan apa yang kita inginkan. Terkadang berbeda dengan apa yang kita inginkan. Terkadang yang kita inginkan bisa jadi yang tidak sesungguhnya kita butuhkan. Dan yang jatuh cinta diam-diam hanya bisa, seperti yang mereka selalu lakukan, jatuh cinta sendirian.”

-by RadityaDika-

Minggu, 19 September 2010

Thank to Jesus for all :)

A lot of thanks to my beloved Jesus for His GREATEST Gifts that He gave to me :) . What gifts?? It's called ”TALENTS. I realize that my life is wonderful because of my talents. Without that, I'm nothing~. I don't know, How can I have this talents?? I wondered. I post this note now NOT to arrogant myself, of course not. God said that we must share to the other and give some inspiration, so I'll try :D . I'm not perfect in all my talents, but I proud I can do that!

I’m so happy that music flowing in my blood *wohhoo*. I love singing, dancing, playing piano and guitar. I all. I also thank to God that that I was given the strong instinct about music.

How about art? I love it too. I like drawing, make some handmade, I like painting, I like photograph, I like all about art. I’m not a good artist, but I’ll try to move on and I’ll try to give my best :D

The last, sport. Oh Yeah, I ! I can't life without this :p . Once upon a time in the past, I ever think and I want to be a good athlete. Yea, that’s my wishes when I was in elementary school. Hahahaha XD I love swimming, playing volley ball, badminton, etc. I think not everyone can and like sport.

"I'll go up and never give up"

Many people inspire me. I promised that I will keep and save this talents and I will develop to give the best one. And I promised to give my talent back to God. God give us, we try to best, and we must give back to Him. MUST J!!

“I love swimming, dancing, travelling, but singing is what I want to do in the whole whole right world. So, I will always praise the Lord with my voices..”

Sabtu, 18 September 2010

oh my DAY :)

Yeaaaa!! XD I like this day :) Why oh why?? Ok, Let the story begin.... :p

First, I sang in the wedding mass today, and my choir join with Rosa Mystica Choir, where there were my lovely friends, Mariska-Dian-Bea. But they didn't participate for this time, because Mariska and Dian must do their job, and Bea still in class :)

Second, from my church I ran go back to my home, and I directly went to WM (my university). I have an audition today. It's about DANCING *yeaaa*. Yah, maybe everyone didn't know that I love dancing so mucchhhh. I love it since 3rd years old :) -that's what my mommy said- , haha, and luckyly, I still can dancing until now! :D . I'm afraid if I can't dancing again, because I never dancing again for 2 years. But, the coach (nico-LM, wow!) said that the audition be delayed for 1 week, because a lot of enthusiasts. hahaha XD .dancing ~

yeaaaa :)

And today, I'm very proud with Popolin♥ she passed the Clique Auditionn!! Conggrats friend, G.O.O.D job!! :D . I believe that you can. EHHH.. BUTTT... you are Clique's part now, but don't forget about sinluiChoir. We still love you and you are part of us, don't forget okehhh!!! Lanjutnooo!! wkwk (ga ngerti basa inggrise)

good job pao ^^

Third, after from Wm, I went to Sinlui♥ to sang together with sinluiChoir, hihi, I love them so mucchhhh :) . And today we sang "Takadongdong" (again). Yeaa.. I like this song. ~Lagunya rancak sekaleeee~ XD . After that, Caki, Paulus, Nindya, Bravo, Bima, Jete, and I went to pizza Hut. So happy I can gather with them. I love you alll!!

Fourth, I joinedAlouisia Choir. And I meet my old friend.. aaaa miss you all :3 . We sang the song entitled "Sleep". The song is very awesome! Like we know from the title, YES, this song can make people sleep. But this song is really deep, calm, and have some wonderful chords.

WAaoo.. so amazing day, I love today. Make me feel "Ahhh..." wkwkwk.. I mean "free" :p

*adoh iki warnae tulisan kok ga mau kluar seh!! mbencekno, huhu TT*

Senin, 13 September 2010


naege dwidurasoji marayo
naye no-neul boa-yo
on sesang hayah-don ku ddae-ye yangsogi-jjonnayo

wae nal pugiharyo go hajyo
ku-daen kuge shwibnayo
nae-geman irohke… aryo-unil in-gon-gayo

cho-umbuto urinun shijak dwe-oson
andwenun sara-ngi-rago
nunmulsokkin ae-woni to-uk kudae-rul
noh-ul suga inneyo

nae-geso kudae-nun sara-jyo-son andwenun
bicho-ossumul anayo
kudae-ga ttonamyon naye modun sesangdo
sarajindonun-gol i-jji-nun marayo
sumul shwigo shipoyo ku-dae sarang a-neso

ku-dae saeng-gang-manuro usumi nayo
nae-gen himi dwe-oyo
ku-dae saeng-gangmanuro nunmuri nayo
modun gochi duryowo

nae-geso kudae-nun sara-jyo-son andwenun
bicho-ossumul anayo
kudae-ga ttonamyon naye modun sesangdo
sarajindonun-gol i-jji-nun marayo
sumul shwigo shipoyo ku-dae sarang a-neso

Don’t turn away from me!
Look into my eyes
All the world is white
Have you forgotten the promise you made?

Why have you given up on me?
You did that so easily
But to me it was so difficult

From the beginning
We had a love that shouldn’t have been started
My tears are mixed with pleading
That I can’t put more of myself into you

* You mustn’t disappear from my life
Know that you are my light
If you leave, you take away my whole world
Don’t forget that it will all disappear
I want to breathe
From in your love…

I smile whenever I think of you
It becomes so hard on me
I cry whenever I think of you
I’m scared of everything