"Kupunya s'orang sahabat yang namanya si Polin..
Orang imut-imut, tapi amit-amit
Polin ! Polin ! *aww*
Sekarang sahabatku, berumur 17..
Semoga Panjang umur, bahagia selalu
Polin ! Polin !
Kata-kata yang indah, tidaklah perluu..
yang penting maksud hatinya
tulus ikhlas suci dan murni *aww*
Hanya ada 3 kata
yang dapat diucapkan
Selamat Ulang Tahun
Polin ku tersayang...
Polin ! Polin ! *awww*"

Happy sweet seventeen :D
Hey! Today is Polin's sweet birthday, my friend who very-very cute, funny, energic, multi-talented, and smart, of course. Happy sweet yaa~, wish all of your dreams come true, for your school, dancing, singing, art, and everything you do! Wish you have a sweet year in your 17. This morning I've sent you a message, I don't know you have accept it or not. Thank you Polin for the memories in Sinlui Choir, when you were beside me (owass..) at bus that time. Hahahha :D. Sory if I picked your picture from fb, hihi :p. One more time, HAPPY SWEET!
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