Hello blogger!! Long time no see, no post! hahaha. I miss my blog obviously. I'm on mid test week, huh. Tired of study, but Jiayou! :D
I spent a lot of things that can be post on this blog. So, let's finish here!
I want to say Happy birthday to my Wiharjo Hadisuwarno. You're 18 now! :D, I hope your dreams will come true. Be a prof.doctor, boy! :D . Hm.. unluckily I can't meet you because of my and your bustle. Yah, never mind lahh.. this is for you.. :)

my wishes is huge for you , HBD! :) ♥
Hmm, how about my competition? Yes I done, but too bad, my team and I can't give the best.
. . . . . . . . :(, but thanks to my team, and especially thanks to Sam and her girl friend, for helped us to prepare our show :)
Oh! I was also asked to fill JFTC and NFTC program. I thank you previously been invited to participate :). Help me to set my time, I guess. Hahhaa. Maybe I'll be confused for manage my time, but take it easy, I do not mind, because I love do it :D

Today, 17 March, I went to Tunjungan Plaza with Daniel, Andrea, Ola, and Tondi. Oh what a happy day, I can met Daniel. I miss him! My bestie with full of story, I think. And one of my best friend who has many similarity with me (we talked about this again today XD). I like and love his car, because his car has many memories, when we were tell and laugh together, aloud. Today we talked about our beloved choir, of course Sinlui Choir, and we remembered also recall all of this, from we were in ITB until we pass our Senior. Yeah, once again, sinlui choir is the best, almost gave us best memories, how about our struggle, our sadness, our joy, and everything. Every moment has its own power, and magic. And we miss all of that, the people, the situation, the struggle, we missed those all! And deeply sad, we must end this warm conversation, because his car had stop in front of my house. Hm. And deeply sad again, that we must say goodbye, because Daniel must back to Jakarta on Sunday :'(. Just 1 sentence: THERE IS NO ONE LIKE YOU. ♥
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