Kamis, 30 Desember 2010

new life? :D

Yay! I'm ready for this New Year :D

So, first I want to say a lot of thanks. For the joy, the happiness, and all of my life in 2010.

1. Thanks to Jesus Christ for give me a beautiful life in every minute, every second. Thank for give me a lot of chance. I You!

2. Thanks to my family, for save me, protect me, and of course loving me :)

3. Thanks to all my besties IAm3, I feel fortunate have a big class like you, you are the craziest, you are best, and hope we can meet again next year! (next year? tomorrow right? XD)

4. Thanks to all my besties, my friends, thanks to hear my story so far. I'm sorry for all my mistakes, and I can't happy in this year without you!

5. Thanks, I think not only thanks, but superduperbig thanks to my beloved SinluiChoir ! You gave me everything, a special moment, the sweetness of togetherness, and golden chance. Maybe seems excessive huh? But it just what I felt. I have a second family in here, right here, in this Choir. This year really wonderful with songs that we sing. Thank you for all, let do that again in 2011!! :D

6. Specially thanks to YOU, for your love, your spirit, your smile, your hug, your attention and everything that you gave to me during this year. I felt it, in this year. Thanks to show me how to love, how to smile, and how to know what true love it is. Really thanks. I'm sorry for my mistakes, If I judge you or whatever, sorry. I won't forget this year, sure.

Say thank done! Second, I want to tell what I wishes for next year. Enough 11 wishes for 2011, haha :

1. Have a good life.

2. Be mature.

3. Smiles! give a lot of smile! :)

4. Get good marks. Hm. Ip: 3.3. Amen. (why not 3.5? I don't want hope to much, haha)

5. Success in my study, amen.

6. Make my parents proud of me. Must!

7. Can managing my time, errr.

8. Success for my committee's events.

9. Can singing and gather with Sinlui Choir.

10. Reduce my bad thoughts and don't be sad again.

11. The last, I wish to see YOU happy with your own way, because I love you, honesty :')

That's all. I hope my wishes will come true. Amen.

I love 2010, and I will love 2011 :D

Selasa, 28 Desember 2010

Happy Anniv :D

25 years.....

not a short time,
not a short story,
not a short life,
not a short journey..

25 years......

not an easy time.
not an easy story,
not an easy life,
not an easy journey..

25 years......

many obstacles,
many riddles,
many misconceptions..

25 years is not an easy time to life together..

They can solve them all
and made a happily family
like mine
because there's LOVE
that always exsist in their hearts

thank you for everything,
I love you mom and dad
and so proud of you all :D

Happy anniversary!


horta doll :)

I got this from wedding souvenir
The grass are growing up until now :D

sweet memories..

There are folders which full of beautiful songs :)

Aha! I found it again when I cleaned up my room :). I call this about "Sweet Memories". Why? Because these folders save alot of songs that ever took me to a great moment, unforgettable life. From (left) Solidarity Concert, The journey Concert n A Voyage of Song, ITB 08, and ITB 10. I have 1 folder again, about "OSN", but I forgot to search it, because I brought it month ago, maybe it still sleep in my bag :p. I collected this perhaps I miss you all, and miss this journey, so I can open this memories, and bring my mind back to our time :'D. Maybe you think that "it's just a song". But, I think these song led me to the small thing to the amazing, truly gave wonderful memories that will not be forgotten. Sinlui Choir.

the other matters

Every song, has a good melodies, has a life, has a feel, and has a miracle.

Minggu, 26 Desember 2010


Kenapa sih kamu gitu lagi? Aku bener-bener ga tau jalan pikiranmu. Aku ga ngerti apa maksudmu, apa maumu, dan gimana perasaanmu. Aku ga ngerti. Tapi perbuatanmu itu bener-bener aneh. Kalo memang kamu serius, bilang aja, kalo nggak, jangan buat aku berharap lagi. Aku ini sudah mulai nglupain kamu, tapi gimana kalo gini? Sekarang aku jadi inget lagi sama kamu. Jangan buat aku bingung, Aku gamau jatuh lagi cuma gara-gara kamu.

Tapi aku sadar, aku masi sayang :'(

Merry Christmas all :D

"And His name shall be called, Wonderful! Conselour!
The Mighty God the everlasting Father the Prince of peace"


Rabu, 22 Desember 2010

Sinlui Choir, wow MAGIC *again!

Really really proud with you all guys, you are best for me :*. Unfortunately I can't join with you all, because the competition just for Senior High student, but of course I'm not *sigh*. Hahaha. Oke then, let start the story! :D

I, Andrea, Iren, and Janggem followed them for being officials in this team. Before, I thought being officials is a fun job, because we can enjoy, relax, and not practice to hard. But.. I know now, being officials really tired, must prepare everything, and take care them all. I'm happy, but I think be a singer is the best choice! It better being a singer, lot of practice, tired together, have fun with all of song that we sing. Haha. But officials not bad la~ :D

When the semifinals began, we *the officials team* listened and watched their performence in canteen, because we can saw from LCD there. Dagdigdug. So nervous, because I could feel it. But I trust, they could surely :D. After semifinals, we went back to our lodging, we took a rest, and practiced again. We heard the information that we must compete again in finals at 10.00pm. There were 8 finalist, include us. So happy, and we slept well, ready for the finals.

The next day, that "day" came. We prayed, practice hard, and gave the best in stage for the finals. So great. I heard them all. They provided the best! Good job guys. :D

And the announcement...
Dagdigdug again!!

And the result is we are the 2nd place! :D

Good Job!

Ya, maybe any of you all thought and hope that we are the 'one', but listen, "You're in the right place". Not bad in 2nd place, maybe we must practice harder. And please conscious that you past the National Competition. Now 2nd place, how about next? the FIRST? Maybe if we believe and work hard. :D

Now, the next job: become angels sing at Christmas night! :D

Kamis, 16 Desember 2010


Stupidly me, I didn't greet you today. I knew you there, but I didn't do it at all. Really sorry, I don't know why I do like that. I just saw you and then turned my face. I have 3 chance for greet you, but nothing. Sorry.. :( . I saw your disappointments face, but I don't it was because of me or else. So goofy, *sigh*.

I wish there's no misunderstanding

Rabu, 15 Desember 2010


There's no hope again.

you only haunted me in my dream

but it's useless

you and me are different

and I know

we won't be united

thanks for came in my dream for 6 times.

go away from my mind

I hate that I like you.

dreams are impossible to be real
it's just a mirage.

cute :D

so cute right? :D

I got this picture from tumblr.

annoying. duh.

Oke saya mau curhat kali ini, belajar bio nya nanti aja. Sudah tidak tahan. Ga tau mau luapin kesapa, mending ke blog ku aja, setidaknya lebih mending daripada gak diluapin sama sekali.

Hm.. Saya gatau ya bisa percaya lagi sama kamu apa nggak, dan kayanya ga bisa lagi. Kenapa si ga bisa pelan sedikit? Ga bisa jaga sedikit rahasia ini? Ato mungkin aku salah pilih orang buat cerita? Sudah 2x gini kamu keceplosan. Dan aku paling ga suka kalo kaya gitu. "Halah masak denger". Selalu bilang gitu. Ya itu kan menurut kamu, soalnya kamu yang ngomong. Tapi aku sama anak-anak ini yang dengerin suaramu itu lo yang tau keras apa nggak. Dan setiap diomongin ga mudeng-mudeng. Mesti malah diceplosno lagi. Duhh. Bukane apa ya, nek misale ga rame-rame gitu ga masalah. Aku cuma gamau nanti kalo sampe kedengeran pihak utama trus malah mikir yang nggak-nggak, trus dia menjauh dari aku. Males lah~. Mungkin menurutmu aku lebai. Tapi coba jadi diposisiku. Nek kaya gini trus aku yo males cerita sama kamu masalah ini. Dulu kamu sudah kayak gini, dan aku berpikiran 'ya weslah, ngapain se, mungkin sekali gapapa, aku tak cerita lagi ae, toh dia juga temen deketku'. Eh.. ternyata gitu lagi. Ya sudah, jadi nggak percaya lagi sama kamu. Kamu memang bisa jaga rahasia, tapi keceplosanmu yang bikin aku nggak betah. Ya aku nggak marah sama kamu sepenuhnya, aku cuma ga seneng kaya gini. Aku tetep be your best friend, ayok tetep cerita-cerita, tapi mungkin about this secret, I can't tell it anymore again. So sory, but it's for my best, and for you too. Thanks for listening my secret, I hope you don't tell it to anyone :D

I'll forgive you friend, please don't repeat again

Sabtu, 11 Desember 2010

Christmas in the air :)

"Christmas songs sounded, a sign that Christmas day is near :)"

Yea, love this preChristmas! Last night, I and my Sinlui-Alousia Choir had a practice for Christmas mass in December, 24th later. We have 2 main songs that I think it's really really touching, awesome, and amazing, like the songs that we ever sang in Christmas mass before :D. Last night we practiced about "Sing Joy" and "Christmas Bells Are Ringing". These song are a medley song. I'm happy now because I can sing with them again, meet, and have fun in this special event. Last night, the atmosphere so noisy, many loud laugh endlessly. I really miss that time! And I feel it now, yey!

This is score of "Christmas Bells Are Ringing"
Unluckily, I can't found the Sing Joy one

Hey friends, let sing and praise together, to welcome the born King of Israel. Don't forget, we'll become angels in the Christmas night who sing with magnificent!

I will wait until the Christmas Bell ringing :)

Kamis, 09 Desember 2010

photoshoot at libary :)

Adinda, Gaby, Cella, Kristin, Andrea

This is our photoshoot for waiting our boredom before class!

by: cella

me and cellaa :)

sok cute! hahaha


hahahahahaa XD

ed by me

me :D

ed by cella, shoot by me




I you all guys,
Let's do this again!

*ed: edited


Sebelum aku cerita, aku mo minta maaf dulu kalo post-postku grammarnya banyak yang salah. I'm so sory. Yah, aku juga masi belajar, dan kuakui aku ga sebrapa cerdas masalah grammar. Ditambah lagi kalo posting malem-malem jam 11 ke atas. Tambah nggak bener. Huahahhaa.

Sorry if I wrote a wrong grammar (><)

Yah, langsung pada cerita. Juengkel pol, sebel, bosen, capek. Dari kemaren kepingin nonton, ga kesampean. Yang hujan, ga ada temennya, sampe ga dibolehin. Masa satu semester kuliah nggak sempet buat nonton 1 film pun. Ini yang namanya kuliah? Sebenernya nggak nyalahin kuliahnya juga. Tapi tetep aja gara-gara kuliah, jadi nggak bisa kumpul sama temen gara-gara jadwal kuliah yang beda-beda. Jadi ga bisa ketemu IAm3, Sinlui Choir, atopun anak-anak FTP. Buhh. Habis ini UAS, tambah nggak sempet lagi. Kalo dilliat kayanya aku childish ya, masa nyalahin kuliah? Kok nggak bisa mikir lebih baik? Mungkin kalian ada yang berpikir seperti itu. Hmm. Aku nggak nyalahin kuliah kok, bahkan sebenernya aku udah enjoy, apalagi sama fakultas ku, anaknya asik-asik. Tapi ya itu, kok ya ga sempet jalan-jalan. Sewaktu-waktu kita pasti ngrasa kaya gitu lah, dan ini mungkin pikiranku yang lagi kekanak-kanakan. Hahaha. Tapi beneran deh, bosen! :|

Oya, aku juga udah brapa minggu ini *kayanya hampir sebulan*, udah jarang nyanyi choir lagi. Blakangan juga makannya ga teratur, jarang latian alouisia, sering teriak-teriak, dan sebagainya. Hadeehh.. Gatau ini sekarang suaraku masi bisa nyanyi teknik lagi apa nggak. Soalnya kalo ga diasah trus pasti ada yang ilang :/. Huhu. Sangat merindukan Sinlui choir. Enak tiap hari bisa nyanyi, tiap hari latian, tiap hari diasah. Rasanya berkembang trus. Bisa ketawa-ketiwi sama anak-anak, dilatih mental, dilatih disiplin, kangen pol!! Kayanya sekarang sama dulu suaraku mending dulu, hmm.

Terakhir : BOKEK mode ON , TT

no money = kick me *lebai*

Selasa, 07 Desember 2010

enter it in your mind.

Maybe I erase you from my mind, but I think I won't erase you from my heart because you are a part of my memory life :)

Sometimes people hate their ex.boyfriend/girlfriend. They really hate them because they make us broke so hard. But I think it's a bad idea.

Yes, they broke us,

but do you remember,

did you ever think,

that they are a part of your life story?

They ever gave you happiness,





that you ever hold their hands

shared one each other

and they gave a colour in your LIFE


This morning I went to market bought some vegetables and tradisional food. Usually, we, Indonesia people call the traditional food with "jajan pasar" in English maybe "market snack". Hahahaa. Market snack consist of klanting, lupis, ketan item, coconut, and gethuk. When I ate this, I remember when I was in Bandung with Sinlui Choir for ITB Competition last August. I remember when we were in the bus, from ITB to Hotel, we were given gethuk. And I really remember that someone sat beside me, she is Pauline, really likes gethuk. My friends gave their gethuk for Pau2 because they didn't like it. Hahahaha. I saw Pau2 ate gethuk too much, until she said,"Enough, enough, it's too much for me..". What a small moment but remembering until now :)

this is how gethuk is.. :)

Minggu, 05 Desember 2010

我祖母的生日 !


祝你生日快乐祖母 !



It's too late to post about this right? Haha, no matter la~, because I don't have any time to post about this before. Coursework killed me. Hahaha XD

Last month on 17th, my grandma was given one old again became 81 years old. We are so thankfull to Lord that still give us time to live with my grandma, to save and love her.

In that day, me and my family gave a surprise for her. When we went to my grandma's home, she was sleeping, and we woke her with sang a song. Happy birthdayy... :) . I saw that she was very happy because I saw many smiles in her face. My grandma didn't expect if we will celebrate her birthday. So sorry to my grandma, if all of us lied to you all day. We just want to give you a surprise, and make you happy in your special day..

I ate too much at that time XD

family :)

hope your wish come true :*

Sometimes grandma so talkative with us. But as we know, she is very love us. She want to live a long with us. Grandma always say in her pray for give more old for us, and of course, for herself. So, don't forget your grandma, love her, and always make her happy before she going back to Lord. I you oma :*

Jumat, 03 Desember 2010


Where are you love?

I'm searching you..

but I haven't found you yet.

I feel loneliness

no smile

no love

when can I sing a love song again?

I want to taste it again

of course, without hurt .

But I believe,

I will found you

in the right time...

Kamis, 02 Desember 2010

proud of them!

this thing is a golden thing for them

Last week, I was given task from Mr. Suswono for religious subject. We got duty to share love to each other for people around us. My group chose "newspaper seller" in Darmo street for our target. We shared, we laughed, and we got many experience. We really appreciated with them when they start to share about their life. We interviewed Mulyadi(adult); Angga, Agil, Wawan (children). Mulyadi said that his target for 1 day is about 10 newspaper, and he said that the profit for one day only 5.000-10.000 rupiahs. Waw, what can they doing with their profit? Everyday, I was given money from my mom for my pocket money of 20.000 rupiahs. And it all runs out. What extravagant I am! In that day, I n my friends helped Mulyadi to sell his newspaper in Darmo street. Oh my God, I can feel it now. Hot, thirsty, tired, and many. The most anoying thing is if we are rejected. It hurts. At that time, there were people who said that we're crazy, without voices, but with cue. Annoying!! I don't what they thought. Maybe they thought, "What did they do? It only for their benefit. Crazy..". Ergghtt.

Day two, we met with Agil, Angga, and Wawan. They sell their newspaper in Polisi Istimewa street. We interviewed them, and they work hard like that after school for help their parents pay their tuition. They said that in one day, they got 5000 rupiahs. That money was used by them for bought food and Ice tea, it cost 3500 rupiahs. So, they only get 1500 rupiahs. What a pity. I'm so sory to hear that. I will say to world that "I am very lucky!". In this day, we can't help them to sell their newspaper. Police not allow us because we forgot to bring our proposal. But I really happy can shared with them. They are so amazing, I'm proud of them!! :D

These are the shots :)

with Mulyadi

Angga, Wawan, and Agil :)

when we shared together

smile! :D

it's me and Rini in Darmo street


Oh dear, long time no post, so sorry. Many tests, assigments, and EXAMS. It makes me have no time for blogging. Oke then, what can I share? I just want to scream loudly if I hear two words : FINAL EXAM. Oh no. Time going so fast. Silly.

this routine like a "phsyco" for me :(

Jumat, 26 November 2010

crying inside.

I want to cry a loud to take this feeling out

I don't know why it happen again to me. Feeling really stressed, broke, and down. Many assignments flowed as a river, but until now I do nothing. I just can't do it if my mind complicated like this *sigh*. I have so many assignments, exams, job, church activity, practice, university's routine, etc. Enough to make me stress slowly, but I think I can solve it, IF I don't have the true problem called "heart".

I trust, If that problem not come, I think all of my problem is easy to do. I already know now and I realize that I'm liking someone. When did this feeling come to my mind? I just can answer : I don't know. I think I felt usual before, but suddenly the word "like" come in my mind. Yea I know if he is a good person. But I never think that I can 'like' him. But noww... oh waw, I fell in a world of love, damn. Plus with my dreams about him for four times,so awesome. It's killed me. It's not about I don't want falling in love again, but I just don't want it happen NOW. Give me time, please. I don't want jealous again, fall again, hurt anymore, and broken heart again. Just that.

What can I doin now? I still hope You Jesus, because You're my way. :'(

sometimes heart and mind can't be unite .