Jumat, 26 November 2010

crying inside.

I want to cry a loud to take this feeling out

I don't know why it happen again to me. Feeling really stressed, broke, and down. Many assignments flowed as a river, but until now I do nothing. I just can't do it if my mind complicated like this *sigh*. I have so many assignments, exams, job, church activity, practice, university's routine, etc. Enough to make me stress slowly, but I think I can solve it, IF I don't have the true problem called "heart".

I trust, If that problem not come, I think all of my problem is easy to do. I already know now and I realize that I'm liking someone. When did this feeling come to my mind? I just can answer : I don't know. I think I felt usual before, but suddenly the word "like" come in my mind. Yea I know if he is a good person. But I never think that I can 'like' him. But noww... oh waw, I fell in a world of love, damn. Plus with my dreams about him for four times,so awesome. It's killed me. It's not about I don't want falling in love again, but I just don't want it happen NOW. Give me time, please. I don't want jealous again, fall again, hurt anymore, and broken heart again. Just that.

What can I doin now? I still hope You Jesus, because You're my way. :'(

sometimes heart and mind can't be unite .

Jumat, 19 November 2010

I Dream A Dream

"I Dream A Dream"

I dreamed a dream in time gone by
When hope was high and life worth living
I dream that love would never die
I dreamed that God be forgiving

Then I was young and unafraid
And dreams were made and used and wasted
There was no ransom to be paid
No song unsung, no wine unteasted

But the tigers come and night
With their voices soft as thunder
As they turn your hope apart
As they turn your dreams to shame

And still dream he'd come to me
That we would live the years together
But there are dreams that cannot be
And there are storms we cannot weather

I had a dream my life would be
So different from the hell I'm living
So different now from what it seemed
Now life has killed the dream I dreamed

*you can listen the song in this blog's ipod*

Selasa, 16 November 2010

Can I wait ? :)

What is in your mind if you see this picture?

Yeah, like ya' know, it's about C.H.R.I.S.T.M.A.S !!

I can't wait this time every year. Why? Because I think Christmas is awesome, marvelous, full of happiness, full of wishes, and also full of bless! We can find a lot of place that decorated with Christmas decoration, so beautiful. It's about when the Christmas Tree twinkled, the Choir sing a long, the Church reverberate, and when my heart smile to greet the Baby :)

I Christmas!

We also find cookies and another Christmas dish :)

Oke then, the most thing why I love Christmas is about its melody in a harmony of Christmas. We heard, we sang, we joy with Christmas song. Christmas song has a good harmony which can make us so joyful to meet with the King of Israel. I can't wait to sing with my choir, to sing many Christmas songs. And I will get how Christmas is!

Aww... really can't wait! XD

"Silent night, Holy night, all is calm all is bright"

thx to istockphotos for the pictures ♥

Sabtu, 13 November 2010

once again..

in the night of 12 Nov '11
once again..
What a beautiful dream ♥
It talks about "Love Story"
like in my post before, I still confused..
Am I fallin in love again?
I wish not.
I try to holdin inside my head, and don't think again about that
'that' dream came
so touching, and very romantic
Could my dream come true?
I think he never think of me,
and he maybe just regard me (only) as his friend
I hate this situation
I don't wanna break down again
not for now, okay~

Just one in my mind..
Why I had a dream like that ?? :

Sabtu, 06 November 2010

so happy! :D

Waw, walopun banyak kegiatan, muter sana-sini, latian ini itu, acara ini itu, *Fiuuhhh..* SO TIRED BUT FUN!! Menyenangkan sekalii :D. Dan saya sudah mulai menyayangi dunia FTP, soalnya udah pada kenal, semuanya baik-baik, lucu-lucu. And I like it!

Banyak kegiatan menyenangkan yang udah lewat. Hahaha. Masalah ngisi acara pelepasan dance, DONE. Walaupun yah nggak bagus-bagus banget, tapi bisa dibilang sukses, cuma tinggal kurang kompaknya aja. Akhirnya setelah 2 minggu, wkwk. Aku juga mulai enjoy sama yang namanya panitia-panitia itu, seneng soalnya ketemu temen-temen, asik bisa blajar satu sama laen.Hohoho. Oya, hari ini ada "Workshop Hiphopers" yang di adain UKM. Capek pol, 3 jam, tapi SERU! Dapet gerakan baru, teknik baru, temen baru :). Senengnya bisa dapet kesempatan qualifikasi buat final yang terbaik, tapi sayangnya ga dapet 3 terbaik. Lupa gerakannya, wkwk. Tapi nggak masalah, yang penting seneng. Dan akibatnya sekarang kaki + pinggang keyot semua XD.

Dan ada satu masalah yang mengganjal benernya. Yah bisa dibilang gawat, aku benernya lagi nggak mau suka siapa-siapa dulu. Hm.. tapi kok kayanyaaa.... Ewww.. Aku takut kalo jatuh lagi, aku nggak mau. Tapi aku mau sesuatu yang baru. Bingung dehh.. :p. Ya pokoknya aku usaha jangan sampe suka lah, iya kalo kesampean, kalo nggak?? wkwk. Kita lihat dulu :). Tapi beneran, aku takut ><. Dan masalahnya mulai kerasa waktu tanggal 4 itu, waktu dia bilang "blablabla" in my special day^^. Tuh kan gawat.. =.=a

Dan nggak tau kenapa malem ini aku ngrasa seneng pol. Nggak ada sedih sama sekali. Waw. Pingin ngrasa gini trus.. :']

Beberapa hal yang aku dapet di minggu ini:
1. Berusaha pelan-pelan, yang giat juga.
2. Don't choose the book by it cover. Muka orang ga sesuai sama perilakunya.
3. Tak kenal maka tak sayang.
4. Jangan lupa doa.
5. Berikan yang terbaik selagi kamu bisa

Semua ini aku dapet di minggu2 ini selama aku ga blogging, haha. And I thought my smiles made because of that :D

I like this :)

lagi suka sama Danbo XD
by Devianart

thx Vicia :)

This is a special surprise for me
from my besties Vicia

She's beautiful, her voice great, and she's so kind :D


Rabu, 03 November 2010

it's called birthday


Super duper thank you for Jesus that gave me one year old again, gave me a new breath, new day and new life. Thank you for you all, especially for my Mom and Dad, who teach how life it is until now. I don't know how to pay back for them. And I always pray to God to give them super-healthy and happiness. This is a little journey from me, and I just want to remember it everytime :D . Let the story begin...

When i was a child....

They are my HERO , forever :)
Thanks for everything

baby is me, so cutie right? :)

me, bro, cousin

hahahaha :D

thank you for teach me how to sing, and give me a lot of experience about choir, and I'm proud with our achievement! Always be winner :D *Dulcissima Choir*

I dancing since I was a child :)

AND NOW.....
I can take the time, I can see my life, as it comes up shining now...


and SO you all SINLUI CHOIR
the best family that I never had :)


it's me now.... :D

18 years old
November, 04 2010

Happy birthday to me! I love myself, I love mine. Thank you for my family and friends, thank you for your wishes, and I pray your wishes for you too :)