Rabu, 23 Januari 2013
24 days.
24 days of this year already passed. 24 days with many surprises. What surprises are? It's not like a 'surprises' that usually people think.
A little things like good news and daily events are surprises too for me, in this new year :).
24 surprises in this 24 days:
1. Have a good grade for the last semester. Thanks God!
2. Got everything that I want in my KRS.
3. Made some handcrafts and gave it to my friend :).
4. Watched Running Man and got a lot laugh.
5. Running man not just gave me a lot of laugh, but they also gave me lesson of life. And it gave me a lot of motivation!
6. Got some imaginations.
7. Got a best dream, like dreamed about Running Man and etc. I found that Jong Kook oppa is really good and kind guy! Kyaaa~
8. Got the weird traffic light on my way, when I went to university and went back home. It happened on my first day lecture. The light always turned red when I near them. For every traffic light.
9. Sekar Laut Factory accepted my group for doing PKL at there! Finally..
10. Got a big (enough) project from my lecturer. Quiet hard, I think. But it surprises me. She know I can do it, so I hope have no worry from myself.
11. Have a warm family condition.
12. Got money from vocal group competition :p.
13. Booked a new pocket camera. The camera ready on Feb, so I must work hard to collect the money.
14. Woke up in really early morning and directly went to campus for my organization's event. It reminded me about 1 year ago.
15. Hang out with my old friends :*.
16. Found Garry's and Haha's twitter, kyaaa~
17. Learn about how to make a fillet of chicken :3
18. Got the red heart from Ann! Let's marry her~ (Harvest Moon) hahaha
19. Downloaded many videos and song.
20. Have a lot of snacks at home! :D
21. Got some new episodes of Running Man. Thank you Meol!
22. Have a passion for my online shop. lol. #lebay
23. Shocked and felt a little dissapointed with 2 friends.
24. Have a time for blogging !
Wish tomorrow always better than today and yesterday .. :)
I'm ready for this EXCITING, TIRING, and POWERFUL YEAR! !
Kamis, 17 Januari 2013
Stupid People
Hujan, banjir.. belakangan rame banget soal ini. Ga cuma Jakarta aja, tapi dimana-mana. Gara-gara apa sih banjir cyyiiinnn?? *ala banci*. Gara-gara pemerintah ga bisa ngurus kota? Gara-gara lahan kurang ditinggiin? Semuanya.. because of stupid people. Ga usa jauh-jauh di jakarta. Di deket rumah juga ada setiap hari.
Di luar perumahan, ada jalan yang bisa nembus ke rungkut industri. Jalan itu berupa jembatan, karena ada kali / sungainya, of course. Coba bayangkan. Saat kalian naik sepeda motor atau mobil lewat jembatan itu, trus ada seorang pejalan kaki, naik sepeda ontel, bahkan sepeda motor jalan perlahan kemudian, "siuunngggggg... " . Dengan santainya mereka melempar sebuah kresek besar yang berisi sampah ke sungai itu. Sebagai orang terdidik, cuma bisa dalam hati, "Bego ato ... ?". Saat musim hujan turun, jadilah sungai meluap, banjir. Banjir bisa berdampak ke perumahan, great. Ya untungnya kalo di perumahan cepet surut, but the annoyest is kalo mereka ngeluh banjir. Ya nggak pernah sih kedengeran langsung mereka marah-marah karena banjir, cuma keliatan mereka mengeluh ngeliat rumah-rumah ato tokonya kebanjiran. SALAH SENDIRI. Kalo liat kejadian mereka buang sampah di sungai itu rasanya kaya mau turun dari motor trus ngelempar orangnya sekalian ke sungai. Ga mikir ato gimana ya, buang sampah itu ya di tempat sampah, bukan di sungai. Itu pelajaran SD, bro. Sekolah SD lulus nggak tuh?
Yah.. berdoa sajalah mereka bisa berubah dan sadar. Tapi kok ya ga sadar-sadar (sangking seringnya liat dan sepertinya udah jadi tradisi). Jangan ditiru ya guys!
Save your earth from the small thing and love it, before you drowning for..ever.
Beberapa hari lalu nemu ini, cocok buat yg suka buang sampah di sungai..
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