Selasa, 21 Agustus 2012

bunga (?)

"Pada suatu hari Aristoteles bertanya pada gurunya, apa cinta sejati itu? Gurunya pun menjawab, berjalanlah lurus di taman bunga yang luas. Petiklah 1 bunga yang terindah menurutmu dan jangan pernah berbalik ke belakang. Kemudian dia melakukannya, tapi dia kembali dengan tangan hampa, gurunya pun bertanya 'mana bunganya?'. Dia menjawab, 'saya tidak bisa mendapatkannya, sebenarnya saya telah menemukannya. Tapi saya berpikir di depan masih ada yang lebih bagus lagi, tetapi ketika saya sampai di ujung taman, saya baru sadar bahwa yang saya temukan pertama tadi itulah yang terbaik. Tapi saya tidak bisa kembali ke belakang lagi, karena sudah ada yang mengambilnya'. Guru berkata, 'seperti itulah cinta sejati, semakin kamu mencari yang terbaik maka kamu tak akan pernah menemukannya'. 
Jangan pernah menyia-nyiakan cinta seseorang yang tumbuh di hatinya dan hatimu saat ini karena waktu tak akan pernah kembali."


Sabtu, 18 Agustus 2012

another phothoshot~

All do by BCL's SLR, captured by me.
Place: Coban Talun , Batu

Mixpod please.. -_-"

Hey mixpod, what's wrong with you? I can't update my blog's song, err.. no song here.. oh pleasee -_-"

L♥VE ?

What is Love?

Love is... 

when you meet someone and you don't know who is he. You are getting closer with him, try to talk, share, and laugh. Time by time, you feel that he is the one that you can to be with. Sometimes has a little complicated, but it will good again. Together, having fun, like he accept you completely. Until the time that you know that he is not yours. It can't be,      forever. He share with the other girl. He laugh with the other girl, and he start love the other girl. It will  hurt you deep, and really deeply. Hard tears. You find his happiness. But you are not. You think that you are the dumbest of all and say that he is so vicious. Just one question after a week, month, or maybe a year : When can I forget him?. But every single pray, you shout his name, and pray the best for him. And you let him go with his happiness, with your tear and smile. You will say, "These all because I LOVE YOU".


That's how every girl did, L♥VE

Time to redesign my blog :D

What I want to do :
1. Update my blog's songs.
2. Posting something.
3. Redesign my blog's layout. #I wish


Hello my dear blogger! Long time no see you. Finally I post something in my blog after a long long time. Hahaha. You know what, actually I have a lot of idea to post something in this blog, but so unluckily, I don't have much time to do this easily.

Holiday, yes this is. I have at least 1 week to get free from everything sucks about lecture. But, there was a thing that still disturb my head now. What is it? JOURNAL. I haven't find my journal yet! Arght. I can't believe that it was so difficult to search. Maybe I must to start it now, *sigh.