Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012


Berat? Susah? Repot? Bikin pusing? Capek? Nggak juga.

Ya.. dibilang berat ya emang berat, dibilang susah juga susah, dibilang bikin pusing ya iya, dibilang capek, ya emang capek. Tapi.. Apa yang di dapet itu banyak banget. Banyak perubahan yang aku rasa. Ah masa??

10 poin perubahan:

1. Dari yang malu-malu kalo ngomong, jadi udah nggak malu lagi (mungkin malah malu-maluin kali ya? hahaha).

2. Dari yang takut kalo ngungkapin pendapat, jadi bisa lebih pede.

3. Dari yang nggak bisa bikin keputusan sendiri, jadi bisa.

4. Dari yang sukanya grusa-grusu, jadi lebih sabar.

5. Dari yang nggak bisa manage waktu, jadi bisa manage waktu.

6. Dari yang nggak bijaksana, jadi bisa sedikit bijaksana (nggak bilang kalo aku bijak lo ya, cuma sedikit :p)

7. Dari yang temennya dikit, jadi banyak.

8. Dari yang nggak ngerti satu sama lain, jadi ngerti dari sifat terjelek sampe terbaiknya.

9. Dari yang nggak bisa ini itu, jadi bisa ini itu.

10. Dari yang lemah mental, jadi kuat mental (wohoo! XD)

Perubahan baru terasa saat berat-beratnya. Semua ada maknanya. Percaya, pasti berguna di masa depan, nggak bakal ngrasa rugi. Yah, semoga begitu! :)

Confusion night.

Hello my marvelous world! Long time no see. Are you still okay? hahaha. Today I cull my time to post at my bloggiest. Yah.. tonight I'm so speechless. Many story that I want to tell, but I don't have time for it. Where can I start? Hahaha.

What a tiring week. Tired of study. "MID EXAM, MID EXAM, Why you kill me softly?" (with a sound like mirror mirror on the wall). I hate exam srsly. And it always come when I'm not ready to face it. Oh Jesus, please give me motivation to pass this with a good result. Amen :)
Hmm.. let's go to the point. First, I really miss my Senior High school's friends. I miss my Sinlui Choir team, miss the competition, miss the time when we truant from class and we practice long, and all day long. Sleep and laugh in front of "photography room". Run and play at BANGSAL. Oh, can I get my past back? I miss my classmates, miss my other friend, miss the teacher, and also miss the building. In every corner, there was a sweet memory.

Second, I confuse with my life. What will my life begin? Where should I bring my life to? Many desire that I haven't reach it yet. What stupid I am. I can't manage my time well, eventhough I've try it hard, I always feel it fail. I rarely help my mom and dad, and always spent my day long not in my home. I saw one hope at my parent's eyes, and they always whisper, "When you stay in home, honey?". Their eyes talked to me. I just feel, Am I a good child for them? . . . . .

Third, that's about heart. Srsly, at this time, I really fear to fall in love. I'm afraid I'll broke again. Now my mind set that more love, more hurt. I ever made a pact with myself, that I shouldn't fall in love with someone that I think it impossible. Once is enough, to hurt. I won't it happen again. It was really sucks, and damn. No more, please. But sometimes I think, when will my heart stop feels like that?

Fourth, I tired of this all hypocrisy. I hate liars. I hate your mask. Please realize it!

Fifth, I hope, I never get disappointments again when I believe with someone, especially my for my friends.