Kamis, 31 Maret 2011

how about this night?

What I feel tonight?






and last....


yesterday and today :)

Yeah, finally I swam yesterday! Long time I have not been swimming, and yesterday, I did it. Yeah! Last time I swam when I was Senior High, I guess. I went to Atlas for swimming with Ervita, Silvi, and Melisa. So fun, and we can enjoy that day warmly. I felt that they are suitable for invited to swim, because they are love swim too, and they very enjoy it with me. I love you girls! Let's do it again. Hahaha. We have a plan that we'll swim every wednesday , once of a month. That's support us to have an ideal body. LOL! XD . Ah! Did you know that I'd like to be an atlet at the first time. Of course swimmer. But I can't reach it, oh what a pity. . . :|

that's what I want to be.

How about today? My lecture flow as usual, but after I finished my lecture, I joined English Club that held by FTEC. So interesting today, we met Mr. Eddie Marañon. He is the philippines. He showed us about his factory, called Sagrex Factory, which produced golden SABA banana. He said that SABA banana is much better than Indonesia's banana. In Philipines there are more that 1 thousand million hectar of banana plantation, like Mr. Eddie said. Wow! Inconceivable! :D. I felt that English Club today made me so interest and I do like this topic and the adviser. He always said "so, let eat banana!". Hahahaha.

This is the Brand of Sagrex Factory

So curious with this, how does it taste? :)

Jumat, 25 Maret 2011

te.a.en.te.o, called my phone

Wahh.. Ngapain anak itu telpon. Geje lagi.. Plus eswete. Ya inisialnya te.a.en.te.o lah pokoknya..


Tingtingting.. *ringtone*


Aku: "Halo?"

Tan: "Halo.. Halo, A'i, frengky nya ada?"

Aku: "Ini siapa ya?"

Tan: "Ini temennya frengky A'i, Kristanto"

Aku: "Heh! Km telpon sopo? Ini lo aku dinda"

Tan: "Oh salah sambung yo? Sori din"


Nah loh. Pertama, gak masuk akal, masa salah sambung, huruf depan namaku sama frengky juga jauh. Kedua, dipanggil A'i lagi. Ketiga, telpone geje. Keempat, itu sengaja ato ga sengaja? Kelima, gilaa.

Mikir-mikir juga pas telpon, tak pikir ada arek nggudai aku telpon nyari frengky, tibake anak ini. Wes wes..


hahahahahaha :D


Bodoh dan sangat terdengar menyebalkan. Yah, terkadang orang memang tidak sadar apa yang dikatakan. Tapi apa semua seperti itu? Seharusnya dia sadar. Mbok ya kalo mau ngomong dipikir dulu. Kok masih ada ya yang suka bgitu. Banyak orang yang selalu merasa SOK dewasa. Merasa dirinya sudah besar, dan seakan-akan tidak pernah melewati masa kecil yang alay, ke kanak-kanakan, egois, dan sebagainya. Misal, kalo lagi ngobrol, tiba-tiba yang sok dewasa ini bilang, "Apa seh, anak kecil" ato "Hahahaha, masih kecil cak, masih kecil". Padahal selisih umur ga jauh beda, bahkan sebenarnya anak itu lebih dewasa ketimbang orang itu. Dan yang bikin jengkel sekali waktu teman saya, sebut saja Bona, dicemooh masalah 'labil'. Waktu cerita-cerita hal yang cukup biasa tapi juga lucu, masalah cinta, ya wajarlah kalo memang masih umur segitu emang begitu, ada aja konfliknya. Setelah selesai cerita, mereka bilang "Hahahaha, masih labil, haha , labil, biasalah, masih labil..", terdengar sedikit mencemooh. BZzz.. Apa toh maksudnya. Kayak udah dewasa aja. Ya ngerti kalu memang lebih tua, tapi ya jangan gitu juga. Kayak dulu dia ga pernah labil ae, kayak ga pernah gitu juga. Pemikiran orang-orang ini agak sedikit aneh buatku. Seakan-akan bangga sekali kalau sudah dewasa. SILLY.

Watch this!

*you can pause or turn off my ipod's blog before :)*

I got this from Clifford :D

Minggu, 20 Maret 2011


*you can pause or turn off my ipod's blog before :)*

If You Stay - Joseph Vincent
*he is so handsome, aww!* :p

I was standing on the other side
watching you leave and I,
couldn’t see you go

Know that I was so sincere
when I said I need you here
cause this is your home

You’re the one my everything
If you stay you’ll make me sing

I’ll give you my life
I’ll give you my heart
and nothing will ever come between us,
ever come between us tonight
I’ll show you the way, Just promise me that you’ll
Promise me that you’ll stay

When you’re with me I feel so alive
You’re the bonnie to my clyde
We can paint the town

But you’re so far (ohhh)
You’re so far (woah ohhh)
And that can’t even hold me down

You’re the one my everything
If you stay you’ll make me sing

I’ll give you my life
I’ll give you my heart

and nothing will ever come between us,
ever come between us tonight
I’ll show you the way, Just promise me that you’ll
Promise me that you’ll stay

And I know that our bond’s so true
You are to me as I am to you
And I know that we can sustain
even though we ain’t together
our love still remains

I’ll give you my life
I’ll give you my heart
and nothing will ever come between us,
ever come between us tonight
I’ll show you the way, Just promise me that you’ll
Promise me that you’ll stay

It's Real - Olivia Ong
*so sweet* :)

Kamis, 17 Maret 2011

Oh March!!!

Hello blogger!! Long time no see, no post! hahaha. I miss my blog obviously. I'm on mid test week, huh. Tired of study, but Jiayou! :D

I spent a lot of things that can be post on this blog. So, let's finish here!

I want to say Happy birthday to my Wiharjo Hadisuwarno. You're 18 now! :D, I hope your dreams will come true. Be a prof.doctor, boy! :D . Hm.. unluckily I can't meet you because of my and your bustle. Yah, never mind lahh.. this is for you.. :)

my wishes is huge for you , HBD! :)

Hmm, how about my competition? Yes I done, but too bad, my team and I can't give the best.
. . . . . . . . :(, but thanks to my team, and especially thanks to Sam and her girl friend, for helped us to prepare our show :)

Oh! I was also asked to fill JFTC and NFTC program. I thank you previously been invited to participate :). Help me to set my time, I guess. Hahhaa. Maybe I'll be confused for manage my time, but take it easy, I do not mind, because I love do it :D

Today, 17 March, I went to Tunjungan Plaza with Daniel, Andrea, Ola, and Tondi. Oh what a happy day, I can met Daniel. I miss him! My bestie with full of story, I think. And one of my best friend who has many similarity with me (we talked about this again today XD). I like and love his car, because his car has many memories, when we were tell and laugh together, aloud. Today we talked about our beloved choir, of course Sinlui Choir, and we remembered also recall all of this, from we were in ITB until we pass our Senior. Yeah, once again, sinlui choir is the best, almost gave us best memories, how about our struggle, our sadness, our joy, and everything. Every moment has its own power, and magic. And we miss all of that, the people, the situation, the struggle, we missed those all! And deeply sad, we must end this warm conversation, because his car had stop in front of my house. Hm. And deeply sad again, that we must say goodbye, because Daniel must back to Jakarta on Sunday :'(. Just 1 sentence: THERE IS NO ONE LIKE YOU. ♥

Rabu, 02 Maret 2011

turmoils !

Astaga.. pusing, bingung, kacau, stresss.. Kayanya ini bulan-bulan stress ku. Gimana nggak stress, tiap hari tes, praktikum, tugas, blm latian ini itu. Beberapa jadwal numpuk dihari yang sama, bahkan di menit yang sama. Sampe bingung badan mo dibelah brapa. Bener-bener kerja keras pek! Besok jumat dance competition nya udah mulai, tapi kok ya masih blm kompak, blm enak. Dan maaf teman-teman se tim ku, kalo aku ga bantu apa-apa, malah isanya ngomel ato ngritik trus (mungkin aku ga sadar), trus cemberut atopun ga semangat, soalnya situasi nggak mendukung banget. Gimana harus nyeimbangin semua hal itu tanpa nurunin nilai. Jadi sekali ada yang nggak enak jadi langsung bete deh, jadi gak semangat. Sorry buat semuanya :'|

Yep, seperti yang aku bilang, lomba udah besok, nggak ngarep menang soalnya cuma mau nambahin poin UKM, lagian saingannya pasti dancer-dancer dari grup yang keren pol. Hm, apa mau dikata, semangat aja, yang penting kasih yang terbaik! :D

Untungnya 1 tugas udah selesai. FTRG done!! Senangnya :) . Dan bisa dibilang sukses laaa~. 1 tugas udah, tinggal besok lomba, trus udah. Jadi bisa mikirin yang laen-laen. Harus pinter-pinter manfaatin jam yang cuma 24 sehari. Kurangggggg. Waktu tidur menipis, waktu maen menipis. Setiap hari dari pagi sampe malem di kampus. Kapan maennyaa?? Pulang langsung kerja tugas. Soalnya menurutku kalo waktu istirahat/maen harus seimbang sama belajar. Aku nggak mau jadi orang yang terlalu pekerja keras terlalu meres otak. Kasian lo. Hahaha. Nanti gampang pikun tuanya :p

Ya sudah ini sudah pagi, tuh kan, ngeblog aja pagi bgini. Grr. Udah jarang online. Jarang semuanya. Capek sih, tapi harus menter.

Don't be a weak person Dinda! Kalo gini aja nyerah, kalo gede mau jadi apaaa???

Hahahhahaaa.. :D