Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011

New and New :)

What event after Christmas is?
Everyone knows. It is NEW YEAR :D
2011 has gone by, and now 2012 starts to flow.
How it will be?
Everyone doesn't know.

But it WILL be when we do it.
Every dream and every step...

I wanna say..

new hope
new wish
new motivation
new mission
new dream
new task
new assigments
new life
new happiness
new sadness
and new ....


And I wanna say a BIG thank you to:

Especially Jesus Christ - who gave me beautiful life
My Family - who always protect me
Sinlui Choir - who gave a sweet memories
FTP's people - who gave a good moments too
SS's people - who gave oportunity to serve Lord
all of my best friend - for your love and our friendship

without you I'm nothing in 2011
Thank you everybodeh :D

is it new year, huh?

I dont think so. I cant feel the atmosphere of new year today. Yang saya rasakan adalah BETE. Sudah nggak tahan dan nggak tau harus harus gimana lagi.

Sampai kapan kau mengganggu ku?
Sampai kapan kau mengurusi ku?
Nggak sadar juga?

Aku sudah nggak suka dari awal. Caramu SALAH. Itu aku udah nggak suka. Tolonglah.. Aku nggak nyaman! Rasanya pingin delete account fb ku dan nggak fb an lagi. Kamu bikin aku males dengan dunia maya lagi. Search someone better than me. Dan jangan seperti itu lagi. It's annoying.

And please STOP IT.

Senin, 26 Desember 2011

Joy To The World! :D

Helloo Everybody!
I just wanna say ..


The King was born!
O come let us adore Him
and sing a glorious song
in this Christmas ♥

Thank you for RC Choir and of course Sinlui and Alouisia Choir that made my Christmas eve wonderful and so joyful!
This is a recording of Sinlui and Alouisia Choir in Christmas eve. Enjoy it!

Sabtu, 10 Desember 2011

what a dream.

Hmm.. Something that always stuck in my head until now. It's about dream, either night or noon. At everytime when I closed my eyes and sleep tightly. So, what's the problem? This is the point. I didn't know, why I always dreamed about someone, call it Mr. S. Yes HE is. Do I have some mistakes with you? Why do you always and always come into my dream?? I hate dreamt of you more than 20 times. Is it not enough? Hey, please. What a freak, I had never dreamed of someone that I love, who I always waiting for, NOT HIM, but you Mr. S. Sometimes my friends said like this, "maybe he's your soulmate, dinn". Wtf! I never believe it. Because If I believe and I fall in love with him, I trust I will fall again. Why? because he never show that I am the special one for him in the real world, never. I hate this. And what is the most f*cking thing? I always have a good dream with him. Either be his girlfriend or made a sweet memories with him. Errght! I am TIRED being like this!


Sabtu, 03 Desember 2011


Kapok ah posting blog pagi-pagi buta... Basanya keluyuran~ Memalukan. Hahahaha..



Hey December! I'm waiting you for so long~
I love this air, this Christmas air.
I love December because of Christmas.

December Wish : Can pass this final exams with good result! Amen. Anything else? Hmm. Find my love maybe J

I n



Hey Blog! :*

Hello everybodee :) I'm back to post everything that happened in my life. So sad, I can't post in November, but I'll post today, about everything that happened on November :D

Let's start!

The Most "SOUR" Birthday

At 4th November, I have my birthday J. Thank you for your pray and your wishes friends, and I believe that your wishes are for you too :*. Okey I’ll tell about that day. I didn’t imagine that my friends have a surpraise for me (hey, you were succed!), hahaha. Actually, I had thought that they will do, because I felt something wrong with them.

Monmon said that I must stay at campus for a few minutes. It made me thought. But at that time my little heart said, “hey, they wouldn't give you surprise, this thing is already stale~”. But, I was wrong. They gave me a ‘sour’ tart, and a little song “happy birthday”. Okey, now I will explain about their pettiness, haha~.

First, they came to me and Shienny and they sang a birthday theme song for Shieeny. They gave a beautiful, big, and ‘sweet’ tart. Then, Shienny blowed the candle. I saw there was a cute, a slice and a small tart, I thought that they will give it to me. And that was true! They sang a birthday song to me, and they gave that tart. Before I ate that tart, they cooperated with Wang, and they asked Wang for ‘feeding’ me with a sour mango. Yes, I don’t like a sour mango. I hate sour. I hate them at that time!! hahaha. Then, they commanded me to eat the tart. I saw a slice of sour mango tucked inside the tart. What a petty they are! And they forced me to eat that. Yeah, it was really SOUR. That’s why I said “The Most Sour Birthday”. But thank you friends, I love you all ♥, oh my Hippo Mochii. These are some pictures:

hahaha :D

blur, eh~ -_____-"

"thank you". hahaha

Ugly face , ahahaha :)


Sweet memories in Semarang

-by Sinlui Choir-

Sinlui choir? YES! Sinlui choir added a wonderful memories in my life. Again, they achieved the golden medal for 1st place in Karang Turi Choir Festival. I was being an official for them. Appreciate for you all guys! :D

my hand and the medal :)


I love you all :*

photo session



Sabtu, 15 Oktober 2011

hosh! hosh!

Hai blogger! Sedih sekali melihat blog ini tak aktif lagi. Hahhaa. Sudah tak ada waktu. Post kali ini saya ingin pakai bahasa indonesia campur bahasa gahol, biar tak bosan bahasa inggris terus. Lagian lagi malas mikirnya, wkwkw. Saya mau cerita sekarang nih,


gara-gara apa? gara-gara UTS lah! Banyak soal yang terlalu nggak masuk akal, sudah belajar tapi nggak bisa juga. Tapi ya nggak belajar banget sih, soalnya males. Gatau deh kenapa kok UTS ini ga ada gairah sama sekali. Sampe heran sendiri. Padahal sudah janji kalo mau usaha buat naikin IP. Tapi kok tambah males. Gimana ini.. Stress mikirin hasilnya yang tak tentu baik. Susah semua. Arghtt!
Tapi untungnya saya sudah lepas dari jeratan uts yang kian menyiksa sepanjang malam *alay. Aduh Tuhan, tolong deh, ampun saya uts ini, beri semangat waktu UAS ya Tuhan, sungguh nih, bisa turun lagi IP ini. Mau jadi apa? Nanti saya disuruh jual donat sama mami. Guawat. Aku ya gamau ngecewain. Semangat!! Gak ada ampun. UTS ini mungkin okelah jelek (dan pasti jelek), tapi harus usaha rek! Seng laen bisa masa aku nggak? Aku nggak bodo kok! Tapi entah kenapa aku ngrasa kerja otakku kian menurun, merasa tambah goblok dah -__-". Hadehh~

Yah untungnya udah FREE. Jadi ga ada tanggungan lagi. Tolong ya teman-teman sekalian.. saya mohon dukungan dan bantuannya... Saya sangat mengharapkan kalian bisa membantu saya. Soalnya nggak bisa kalo sendirian :'0.

but until now, I have them! thanks friends! especially for Hipo Mocii yang pinter-pinter yang udah setia mendukung dan mengajari saya, hiks :') *alay lagi. Pokoke kalian sip wes! Tunjukkan pada dunia kalo kita ini buka genk. Kita ini sahabat baik! Kita bisa kok bergaul sama siapa aja, karna temen-temen kita bukan hipo mocii aja, tapi semuanya. Jadi tutup kuping aja kalo ada yang gosip-gosipin kita nge genk. Yang penting kita tetep mau sama siapa aja :D

♥ you all :*

Sekian post kali ini :)

Selasa, 13 September 2011

Sorry :|

Hey guys! I'm sorry if I can't post about everything that I will post like I said before.
Lecture killed me!!

I need a break.


will be back soon!
see yah!

Minggu, 11 September 2011

nice COVER!

Best Thing I Never Had - Beyonce

by Audrey and friends (cover)

Last Minute Crew!

Check this out!

by Last Minute crew, awesome!

Kamis, 01 September 2011

another late post.

Hi friends! I have make an appoinment about to post many events before, right?. Haha! This is the time :D

Oke, first I wanna share about my church event, about acolyte's camp. I was the commitee for this event. Yah, there were not many change with last year, but this year our commitee done it all with ourself, and we do the best! So satisfied that I could see them happy, smile, afraid, and many their feelin! :D I hope that event will bring them loyalty to be a good acolyte.

We are Jesus family!

Second, about JOGJAkarta! Finally, I meet Jogja and their stuffs there :D. I went to Sendangsono, Borobudur, and Jogja city with my parents.

What is Sendangsono? Sendangsono is place for pray and pilgrimage to Mother Maria. A religious place. The place so quite, calm, peacefull, cool, and goodlooking. We met sister Yuanita there. These are the photos:

My parents with sister Yuanita

Me, Mommy, and sister Yuanita


The Flowers

banyan tree

this is Sendangsono

I found this unique plant! :D

beautiful :)

After Sendangsono, we went to Borobudur. Borobudur is historic place/monument in Magelang, Central Java-Indonesia. Borobudur is the biggest temple in the world. Have you visit there friends? You should! There was many historic story in every stone, in every step that tou take. You will see about Mahayana Buddhist monument. There was many stupa and statue. Hey friends, for the other country, exside Indonesia of course, don't forget to visit this place, and I sure that you'll excited! :D

Merapi montain

in front of banyan tree :)



this is Borobudur

After that we tour in Jogja city, bought many stuffs :D


That's all :D Wait for the next post, about Welcome Party! See yah! :D